In tribute to Caroline Neita

It is with deep sadness that we announce the passing of our dear colleague and friend, Caroline Neita. Caroline was an accountant, and Young Roots’ Finance Manager between 2014 – 2021.

Our deep condolences are with Caroline’s beloved family and close circle of friends.

Caroline joined Young Roots in 2014.  Our then Project Manager, who was managing the finances, cried with relief as Caroline quickly got things organised and established proper systems and processes.  Over the next years, Caroline was pivotal as we grew and were able to support more young people.  She worked incredibly hard and skilfully to ensure we were in a position to secure and then manage significant multi-year grants.   When she started with Young Roots, our income was a quarter of the size it was when she left – our growth being in no small part due to the strong financial management that she ensured. But Caroline was so much more than an accountant. She cared deeply about the young people we work with, and the whole staff, volunteer and trustee team.  She was a fantastic story-teller, a passionate equality and anti-racist activist, and a lot of fun to work with. 

Caroline was a brilliant, beautiful, strong woman who I learnt so much from over the years we worked together. She was extremely generous in spirit and fantastic at sharing her knowledge and experiences. I will miss her very much.
— Jo Cobley, CEO

The funeral is for close family and friends, and there are plans to celebrate her life later this year or early next.

If you would like to read more about Caroline, and the impact she has had on the many lives she has touched, please do visit this GoFundMe page, set up by her family and friends in her memory.

Caroline, we will miss you so much. Thank you for all you have done for Young Roots, from the guidance you gave as our Finance Manager to all the care and love you held for the young people we worked with. Our growth and impact would not have been possible without any of this.

Here is a collection of personal tributes from our staff members to the lovely Caroline

You did not need to know Caroline for a long time to understand what a warm and kind person she was. That smile always made me feel so welcomed and at ease, no matter the circumstances. It will be one of the things about her I miss the most!
— Young Roots Staff Member

Memories with Caroline


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Our statement on the Government’s plan to send people seeking safety to Rwanda