An important message from our Chief Executive, Jo Cobley

We wanted to share with you the news that our Chief Executive, Jo Cobley, will be stepping down from her role at Young Roots this autumn. Jo has expertly led Young Roots for seven years, working with the team to adapt our support through Covid and the effects of the cost-of-living crisis, and to navigate the increasingly hostile environment, among a plethora of complex sector challenges. Jo has grown Young Roots’ reach and impact with huge success since she took on the role in 2016, with the charity’s income growing fivefold under her leadership, and alongside this has shown constant care for our staff team’s wellbeing and an unwavering commitment to the young people we work with.

Meanwhile, we continue to see the rights and treatment of refugees severely impacted by harmful rhetoric, and government policies including the new Migration Bill, which will continue to be debated in the House of Lords in the coming weeks. We will be in touch again soon to update you on our response during this challenging time for the sector. During this upcoming period of change at Young Roots, Jo, our staff team and trustees will work to ensure a smooth transition for the charity as we find, appoint and welcome our new Chief Executive, and we will continue to prioritise the needs of the young people we support.

A message from Jo:

After much thought, I have decided that the time is right for me to stand down from Young Roots in autumn 2023. As I’m sure you’ll appreciate, this has not been an easy decision, as leading Young Roots, and working together with our wonderful leadership, staff and trustee teams to build the impact and sustainability of the charity, together with your support, has been an absolute privilege. However, it  is the right decision for me at this time, and I am confident I am leaving Young Roots in a really strong position.

Never has Young Roots’ work been more important or needed and, as we look to our new strategic period, the charity is focused on ensuring the transformational impact of our work on young people, and on developing our campaigning and influencing work. The time is right for a new Chief Executive to lead this work with passion and renewed vigour. The timing of my decision will allow the new Chief Executive to inform the development  of our 2024 – 2027 strategy and work with the trustees, leadership and staff teams to define the direction of Young Roots over the next period.

It has been a real journey: when I started in 2016 we were a small team of 9 staff with a moderate income. Informed by the needs and wishes of young people, we established our vital Casework service, launched our flagship Advice & Support Hubs and responded to the support and wellbeing needs of those placed in contingency accommodation. Thanks to a dedicated and expert staff team, now grown to 28, and you, our supporters, we are able to holistically support many more young people to rebuild their lives and look to the future. 

I will leave Young Roots in excellent hands, and in a sustainable position with a committed, expert, experienced Trustee Board, Chaired by Barrister Grace Capel, and a wonderful, skilled and dedicated staff team. 

While I will continue to lead Young Roots as Chief Executive until the autumn, I’d like to take this opportunity to thank you for all the support you have shown to young refugees, and to our work, during my time at the charity. It has been an absolute pleasure to see your commitment and solidarity at a time when it is so sorely needed.

I look forward to being in touch with you again over the coming months.

With very best wishes, 

Jo Cobley 
Chief Executive 
Young Roots

A message from our Chair of Trustees, Grace Capel:

Jo has led Young Roots brilliantly over the past 7 years and the organisation has been transformed under her leadership. Our vital Casework service has been established, we have launched our Advice and Support Hubs and we have developed our Youth Welfare project supporting young people in contingency accommodation. Young Roots’ significant growth has allowed our dedicated staff - together with our valued partners - to support many more young refugees and asylum-seekers in desperate need. Jo confidently led the organisation through the unprecedented challenge of the Covid 19 pandemic - in 2022, we were able to support 873 young refugees and asylum-seekers from 45 countries.

I would like to express my heartfelt gratitude and appreciation to Jo for her commitment to improving the lives of the young people we work with, and the authenticity, empathy, and creativity she has brought to her role. It has been a privilege to work with Jo in my role as Chair and I know everyone at Young Roots will miss her greatly.

Jo leaves Young Roots in a very strong position as we begin our search for a new Chief Executive. We are confident that we will find the right person to lead Young Roots into its next strategic period and progress our policy and campaigning work. Jo will remain in post until later this year, and I will be working together with Jo, the Senior Management Team and the Board of Trustees to ensure a smooth transition to new leadership.

Grace Capel
Chair of Trustees 
Young Roots

We are working with trusted partners to find a brilliant new Chief Executive to lead Young Roots. It is Jo’s intention to carry out a thorough handover with her successor in the autumn, and we look forward to introducing them to you in due course. In the meantime, we as the Young Roots team want to express our thanks to Jo for her incredible achievements during her time at the charity, and we will truly value the next months working together.

Thank you for taking the time to read this update, and for your ongoing support.

The Young Roots team


Our statement on the ‘Illegal’ Migration Act


Our statement on the new Migration Bill