Young Roots’ Head Office is in Croydon. We welcome young refugees aged 11-25 from across Croydon and surrounding areas.
“I feel better since coming to Young Roots as I have been through difficult times. I know that if I have any problems or I need anything, Young Roots staff will try to help me.”
- Paari, aged 23, from Afghanistan
Our Purpose
Young Roots has been based in Croydon since 2013, choosing to develop services here as it is the location of the Home Office’s main asylum-screening unit. We work closely with very many partners in the area and have been active members of the Croydon Young Refugee Network since its foundation.
We take referrals from health and social care, schools and colleges, and our partners. Many young people hear about us through word-of-mouth, via their friends, and self-refer.
Our activities
Our Croydon provision includes:
our weekly Advice & Support Hub, in East Croydon, integrating our popular youth activities with our expert one-to-one casework support and access to specialist legal advice and counselling through funded partnerships
our intensive casework service, providing advocacy and support to resolve complex issues relating to immigration, age-assessments, housing, welfare, physical and mental health, and education
our young women’s group
our ‘Merhaba’ group, supporting young people through our Youth Welfare Project
our APOW (Amazing People of the World) youth club, which focuses on youth leadership through creative, sporting and inspirational activities and workshops
our English-language mentoring programme, offering conversational English either one-to-one or in small groups
trips, during the school holidays, open to all young refugees we work with