Our team in Brent

Allys - Head of Services

Allys (she/her) leads the Brent staff on service delivery. She has oversight on all aspects of our work in Brent including Youth Development, Youth Welfare and Casework.

Previously, Allys worked at the National Counter Trafficking Centre, ensuring children and young people who are victims of trafficking and exploitation were able to access their rights, advocacy and support. She also has experience of working with women who had experienced trafficking and exploitation.

Internationally, Allys has volunteered for various projects in East Africa, including founding her own small NGO, which is based in Kenya and provides hands on educational workshops, raising awareness of topics such as mental health, gender-based violence, children’s rights and healthy relationships. Allys holds a BSc in Childhood Studies (University of Bristol), MA in Gender Studies and Law (SOAS), and an International Social Work qualification (CFAB).

“I feel so inspired and motivated working alongside such a passionate team at Young Roots. The dedication and creativity of staff ensures that increasing numbers of children and young people are able to access trauma informed and individualised support. I look forward to further inputting into the policy and campaigns sector of our work, and including the voices of children and young people in this, to contribute towards wider systemic changes, and to ensure that young asylum seekers and refugees can access their human rights.  

Jessica - Casework Manager

Jess (she/her) joined Young Roots in July 2018 as a Senior Caseworker and in October 2022 became Casework Manager for the Brent team.

Jess has worked, volunteered and organised in the migrant rights sector for over 10 years.

Jess has also worked across the Violence against Womens and Girls Sector and has gained experience and knowledge working with young people who have experienced gender-based violence.

“Young Roots is a great organisation that values the voices of the young people we work with and creates safe and positive spaces for young refugees to grow.

I am so inspired by the young people I work with, their resilience and courage to reach out to Young Roots.”

Laura - Youth Development Coordinator

Laura (she/her) has been part of the Youthwork team in Brent since April 2019. Beginning as a volunteer and then a sessional worker, Laura has recently taken on the role of Youth Development Worker in May 2021.

Laura has been working in roles that span the youth work and education sector for more than ten years. She has a Fine Art degree and has recently completed a Counselling Foundation Diploma.

She considers her creative background to be integral to her work as a youth work professional and is passionate about Young Roots’ commitment to youth participation.

“I love my job and it brings me so much joy to work alongside such funny, kind, interesting, creative, passionate, thoughtful, unique young people. I am really excited to be working so collaboratively with the young people at Young Roots and I feel lucky to be part of a team who is so committed to empowering the young people we work with!”

Jennifer - Youth Welfare Caseworker

Jennifer joined Young Roots in February 2022 as a Senior Caseworker. She provides 1-1 support to young people seeking asylum within contingency accommodation in Brent.

Prior to working at Young Roots, Jennifer has been involved in youth work, and has volunteered with refugees and asylum seekers in London and Greece. She has an academic background in Anthropology and considers it an integral part of her work within Young Roots in understanding and supporting young people.

Jennifer was drawn to Young Roots because she believes in empowering marginalised communities and challenging the negative associations attached to asylum seekers.

“What I love about working at Young Roots is it’s holistic approach to inspire and empower young people, not only through 1-1 casework support but through its youth activities. Seeing the change in young people as they access our services has been invaluable.”

Shona – Youth Welfare Officer

Shona (she/her) joined Young Roots in November 2021, and works on our pilot project in partnership with Migrant Help, supporting young people in contingency accommodation in Brent. She coordinates our weekly Ahlan Youth Club and works with young people, supporting them to navigate the various systems and services they come into contact with during their first months in the UK.

Before joining Young Roots, Shona worked as Outreach Coordinator with a charity supporting unaccompanied ‘minors on the move’ in Calais and Northern France.

She was drawn to Young Roots’ focus on young people who often fall through the gaps in existing services, and on working collaboratively, developing skills and resilience to equip young people for the next steps in their lives.

“It’s a huge privilege and an absolute joy to work with the brilliant young people we support, to watch them grow in confidence, recognise their own strengths, and start to build their own futures. I'm thankful for the lessons I’m learning from them every day, as well as from my wonderfully compassionate and committed colleagues. Working with Young Roots is an opportunity to show young people that there are others on their team as they overcome the many obstacles placed in front of them.”

Isatu - Youth Development Worker

Isatu (she/her) joined Young Roots’ Youth Development team in Brent in July 2024.

Isatu loves creating a safe space for young people to express themselves, and advocating and making positive changes. Isatu loves giving young people a voice and campaigning for what is right. She loves when young people speak up and fight for their rights.

Before joining Young Roots, (2018-2022) Isatu worked as a volunteer with a charity (PRAXIS) which she was part of as a group member (Brighter Future), a charity that supports young migrants. Isatu had the privilege to assist with planning and coordinating events for young people, planning creative activities such as public speaking, panel discussion, writing poems, storytelling and writing, cooking, research with other organisations and students from different universities, planning fun trips etc.

Isatu has volunteered for KAZZUM ARTS, a charity that supports children and young people. KAZZUM are passionate about advocating for rights of young migrants through creative arts.

“I always love working with young people because they bring out the best in me, and I learn from them a lot. I feel Blessed to be a part of Young Roots, most specially making changes, empowerment and a small positive impact in the lives of young people is what I like.”

Lisa - Youth Development Worker

Lisa (she/her) interned at Young Roots from September 2020 until August 2021. Afterwards, she continued volunteering with our youth activities and supporting the Youth Development team. In September 2023, Lisa took on the role of Youth Development Worker in Brent.

Since Lisa moved to London, she has worked and volunteered in charities and collectives across the migration sector, supporting people with lived experience of the immigration system to engage in various community groups and events. She believes that community is an important part of resisting the hostile environment and feeling a sense of belonging. Currently, Lisa is also in her final year of her postgraduate called Migration and Diaspora at SOAS, which she considers an abstract but relevant place to discuss and engage with concepts such as a 'World without Borders' or 'Imaging otherwise'.

"Working with young people is an absolute blast. They bring so much creativity, community, fun and wisdom to the group. In the last years, I have learnt so much from young people about the world, their experience, and their perspective on society. It is great to co-create a space with young people that offers them opportunities to explore different topics, to participate, and to build a strong, inclusive, welcoming community together. It is absolutely inspiring working with every single one of them in an environment that often is cruel and hostile towards people with lived experience."

Sam - Senior Caseworker

Sam (He/Him) provides 1:1 support for young asylum seekers and refugees around the age dispute process, accessing suitable accommodation, education and other services. Sam supports people accessing services they are entitled to but so often denied due the "hostile environment".  

He has volunteered at immigration advice and ESOL charities since 2019, between 2020-2021 he studied an MSC in Children Youth and International Development, then started to work as an immigration advisor in 2021. He has been working at Young Roots since August 2024.

"Young Roots is a perfect intersection of my areas of interest, namely support and advice for young migrants. More importantly, those that I support are incredibly resilient, joyful, and creative people despite the huge amounts of hardship they face both in the UK and on their journeys here, they are there for some of the most inspirational people I have come across and I find myself being frequently humbled." 

Dan - Senior Caseworker

Dan (he/him) works in our casework team supporting and advising young refugees and asylum seekers. His role involves supporting young people to access the legal process, suitable accommodation, education, medical services, and welfare benefits. He was previously an Advocate working with victims of human trafficking and modern slavery, and a Homelessness Caseworker. Dan studied History and Politics at Queen Mary, University of London. 

He has been working at Young Roots since April 2019 and has been working with refugees and asylum seekers for 4 years.

“I’m proud to work for an organisation that has the needs of young people at the forefront of everything we do. Our model of holistic support, advocacy and partnership has a big impact on the life chances of the young people we work with.”