Croydon Hub
Our Advice and Support Hub is our flagship programme in Croydon, launched in 2019. It tackles social isolation through a wide offer of youth activities, alongside access to our one-to-one casework support, and high-quality legal advice and counselling through our partners.
We welcome all young refugees aged 15 to 25 with no prior appointment, and it is a safe space to make new friends, seek advice, and practise English language skills while having fun. We also cook and eat a meal together each week, creating a sense of belonging and building young people’s independence skills.
Youth Activities
The Croydon Hub provides a safe space for young people to develop positive relationships, practise English, relax, explore new things and share a meal together. We offer various games, activities and workshops - in teams or individually, for young people to grow their self-awareness and confidence, build their creative and critical thinking, or develop life and leadership skills.
We work in collaboration with expert partners to vary activities and always provide opportunities to learn, have fun and team up.
One-to-one Casework
Our Casework drop-in runs weekly, as part of our intensive one-to-one Casework service. Young people can attend without prior appointment and speak to our skilled Caseworkers about any issues they are facing, and get help to access their rights and entitlements, health services and to find legal advice and representation.
Advice & Support
We have long-standing partnerships with Coram Children’s Legal Centre, Bindmans LLP and Off the Record at our weekly Advice and Support Hub. Our partners provide one-off high-quality legal advice on immigration and public law, as well as counselling on a drop-in basis, and for up to 8 weeks.
English Language
English-language mentoring and homework support have been a core part of our Hubs since launch, and increased at the request of young people.